Let Fear Be Your Compass

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.


Fear is a deep, painful emotion that often leads to intense reactions. When we see anger, frustration, and resentment it is often driven by fear. In that way, fear is misunderstood and misrepresented.

It is usually not in one’s best interest to make decisions based on fear. Fear sinks its talons into our insecurities. Those may be financial, relational, emotional, physical, or otherwise. In those ways fear can act like an anchor, binding us to our insecurities and forcing us to remain stagnant and in place. 

Instead of having an aversion to fear, what if we imagined fear as a compass? When fear tries to exploit our insecurities, perhaps we should move toward it instead of away from it. Fear may tell you that you won’t be chosen for the promotion at work, so there is no need to apply. Maybe fear will say that you can’t take your dream job because your family's financial security will be at risk. Or how about when fear creeps in and whispers that you are not good enough for the new exciting person that just came into your life. If we let fear drive our insecurities, we are likely to resist applying to that position, we bury our dreams, or we withdraw from new relationships. 

So how do we change this? I would encourage you to first explore your personal values and insecurities. Next, bounce ideas off of those you trust. Finally, use fear as a compass that is always pointing North. In other words, when fear comes to sink you, move in the direction it is coming from. 

Now, there are some exceptions to this rule. If you see a rattlesnake and feel fear, keep moving and do not risk a snake bite! When we experience fear in safety situations we should use caution and listen

It’s time to stop letting fear be an anchor. The next time you feel fear about a life choice, explore your values, acknowledge your insecurities, and use fear as a compass pointing toward the goals you would like to achieve.          


The Anxious Brain: Chapter 1


Things You Cannot Control