Things You Cannot Control

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

Things We CANNOT Control.

Well, we talked about the things that we CAN control last week. Now let’s dive into some of the things that we CANNOT control. 

  1. The Past

  2. The Future

  3. Actions of others

  4. Change

  5. Motives of others

  6. Circumstances you are dealt

  7. “Official” policy

  8. Predicting what will happen

  9. How others react

  10. How others feel

Again, this is not an exhaustive list of what we cannot control. However, it is a list that I most often hear clients speak of. The list above tends to activate the anxious mind, taking us out of the present. When we are taken out of the present, we are often servants of the past or future. Said another way, we get stuck in what has happened, or fear what might happen. 

Just as we did with things we CAN control, I encourage you to ground yourself in an intentional way and bring yourself back to the present. When we are in the present, we are often the best version of ourselves. The present makes us more attentive, more reliable, focused, and connected. 

Some tried and true ways to remain in the present include exercise, yoga, meditation, prayer, and diaphragmatic breathing. Stay tuned and we will explore these in greater detail in the coming weeks!


Let Fear Be Your Compass


Things You Can Control