Things You Can Control

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

Things you can control.

For most of us, the world has become a confusing and challenging place over the last 7-8 months. As we are living through a global pandemic, experiencing personal tragedies, and fighting just to support ourselves and those who depend on us, self-care takes a back seat and survival instincts begin to drive. When this happens, we can feel ‘out of control’. 

In times of crisis it can be helpful to ground ourselves. What can we control? Although this is not an exhaustive list, it is a helpful reminder of what is within our control.

  1. Your beliefs

  2. Your attitude

  3. How to speak for yourself

  4. How often you use/share affirmations

  5. Your exercise

  6. Your diet

  7. How you express yourself

  8. How often you ask for help

  9. Your routine

  10.  Your mistakes

Looking at the list it is easy to see a common theme: the best we can do is control ourselves. Trying to control something or someone else feels a lot like swimming upstream; we use a lot of energy but don’t make much progress. Instead of fighting against what we CANNOT control, let’s use our energy to enhance what we CAN control!



Things You Cannot Control